Remembrance Run Ambassador Hannah Nolan has some Top Tips for Walkers, Joggers and Runners as the 8 Week Countdown begins to the 2014 Remembrance Run 5K
[alert type=”success”]Pace Yourself[/alert] So many people abandon running at their first attempt simply because they start off too fast and feel exhausted after only a short time on their feet. To decide an appropriate pace for YOU, start walking briskly and then, keeping the same pace, simply lift your feet and move to a jogging motion. Once you have ‘jogged’ at walking pace several times you will find that you are gradually able to speed –up and find a more comfortable pace. [alert type=”success”]Don’t be Shy- Give it a Try[/alert] Many people think they will never want or be able to run, wither through not feeling up to it fitness- wise, feeling that they will not enjoy it, or out of self –consciousness. These feelings are completely normal- but with the combination of a race plan and the challenge of a race, this is the time to get together with family and friends and give it a try. Support each other and together you can achieve something wonderful. You might even discover that you love to run. [alert type=”success”]Don’t Compare[/alert]
Running is a great way to get fit and burn extra calories- but it is very much a personal path of growth and development. Don’t compare yourself to others- only to yourself. Each time you run, you will find that you have stopped less often or that you have completed the same route a minute faster than the last time- an indication of your gradual improvement.
[alert type=”success”]Too Fat to get Fit[/alert]
If you are currently overweight, you may feel as if you are starting off on the wrong foot. Take it SLOWLY at the START. Start out with brisk walking and only brisk intervals of running. Before you know it, you will be feeling happier, healthier and full of energy. Those feet will just keep turning. Slow and steady wins the race and it is not the distance but the pace that kills.
[alert type=”success”]Medical Check Up[/alert]
Before starting a Walking, Jogging or Running Training Plan a Full Medical Check-Up is strongly advised.